Khon Kaen University Announcement
No. 2089 /2564
Subject: Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality
According to the Gender Equality Act of 2015, consistent with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, which proclaims that according to human dignity, rights, liberty, and equality inherent in us, we are protected equally under the law and males and females have equal rights, and in order to prevent unjust gender discrimination;
By virtue of the provisions of Section 37 (1), this announcement declares Khon Kaen University’s Policy for the Promotion of Equality and the Prevention of Unjust Gender Discrimination as follows:
1. Khon Kaen University promotes gender equality and opposes gender discrimination, including the inappropriate treatment of women and transgender people.
2. Khon Kaen University will protect and defend those who report or provide information regarding incidents of inappropriate gender-based behavior and will not allow such reporting to affect the education or employment of the reporting student or employee.
Announced on 15 October 2021